Didcot's oaks and other notable trees |
Didcot's oaks and other notable trees |
Some urban oaks, and a walk to a timeless rural oak setting
Sandringham Road, Regent Gardens, Richmead, Marsh Rec, South Moreton footpath
SANDRINGHAM ROAD ESTATE The Fleet Meadow estate (originally called Fleetway when it was built in the 1970s) boasts mature trees around parts of its perimeter, particularly to the south, and a few more central to the estate.
MARSH REC + RICHMEAD Adjacent to the recreation area and playground just southest of Marsh Bridge is a row of oaks all over 100 years old. To the east is the private land of Richmead, containing many mature trees including several redwoods (possibly sequoias).
SOUTH MORETON FOOTPATH To walk east on Marsh Lane past Marsh cottages south of the railway towards South Moreton (Oxfordshire footpath 189/12) is to increasingly leave suburbia behind and to step back into a seemingly timeless distant landscape of mature oak trees, woods and fields. The walk passes a long line of oaks that forms the boundary of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. In early 2021 a planning application for 325 homes built to the east of Fleet Meadow and up to the line of oaks was refused by the Planning Inspector after a public inquiry because (amongst other reasons) it would cause "unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of a valued landscape and the landscape character and scenic beauty of the AONB and its setting". This decision sets a good precedent which should hopefully limit Didcot's spread in this direction.
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Public access Private / inaccessible
Mostly on the estate perimeter
Sandringham Road (near 69)
TPO: no
Sandringham Road at
Beaufort Close
TPO: no
Regent Gardens
TPO: no
Inaccessible – in Richmead
Fenced - no public access
Mansfield Gardens (near 55)
TPO: 19S29T6
View of Mansfield Gardens
from South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T6
Recreation ground south of Marsh Bridge
Marsh Rec row of oaks
TPO: no
Largest 355 cm in 2020
170 years = 1850
Marsh Rec row of oaks
TPO: no
Largest 355 cm in 2020
170 years = 1850
Marsh Rec row of oaks
TPO: no
Largest 355 cm in 2020
170 years = 1850
Marsh Rec row of oaks
TPO: no
Largest 355 cm in 2020
170 years = 1850
Marsh Rec row of oaks
TPO: no
Largest 355 cm in 2020
170 years = 1850
Marsh Rec view of Richmead
Redwood (sequoia?)
TPO: no
No public access
East past Marsh Cottages
S Moreton path small wood
TPO: no
S Moreton path small wood
TPO: no
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
Nearest 372 cm in 2020
185 years = 1935
S Moreton path footpath
TPO: 19S29T1
Girth 372 cm in 2020
185 years = 1935
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
South Moreton footpath
TPO: 19S29T1-T5
T1 on path, others
on private farm land
Distant E/W wood in AONB
TPO: no but AONB protection
Far N/S wood outside AONB
TPO: 19S29W1